
The Minkit package allows to minimize probability density functions (PDFs) using a python API, offering the opportunity to use iminuit or scipy minimizers. The PDFs are compiled at runtime, allowing any user do define custom PDFs. This package is available on PyPi, so to install it simply type

pip install minkit

To use the latest development version, clone the repository and install with pip:

git clone
pip install minkit

Remember that you can also install the package in-place, something very useful for developers, by calling

git clone
pip install -e minkit

This package uses the GNU scientific library (GSL), which needs to be accessible in order to compile the source code generated at runtime. In addition, the C++ standard used is C++11 or greater. Be sure to have the necessary environment variables set before running any script. In Ubuntu, this can be done executing:

sudo apt-get install libgsl-dev
export CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -fPIC -std=c++11 -I/usr/include"
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu"

This package is capable to work in CPU and GPU backends, and has been designed to work in both CUDA and OpenCL. The GPU operations are done using the reikna package. In order to make Minkit run in GPUs, it becomes necessary to have installed reikna, and pycuda or pyopencl depending if we have CUDA or OpenCL installed in our system.

pip install reikna pycuda pyopencl