Functions and classes

Here you can find the documentation on the functions and classes of the pyscripts package.


dependencies(pyfile, pkg_name[, abspath, …]) Return the dependencies on a package for a given python file.
direct_dependencies(pyfile, pkg_name[, abspath]) Get the direct dependencies of the given python file on a given package.
redirect_stdstream([istream, ostream, …]) Redirect the information going to “istream” to the given stream.
call(args[, drop, call_name]) Process the callable after dropping some values in the arguments.
define_modes(parser, modes[, call_name, …]) Build subparsers in the given parser, from the given set of callables (modes) to run.
process_args(args[, drop, call_name]) Process the arguments obtained by argparse.ArgumentParser.parse_args(), dropping from its values everything specified in “drop” and “call_name”.