
class hep_rfm.XRootDPath(path)[source]

Bases: hep_rfm.protocols.RemotePath

Represent a path to be handled using XROOTD protocol.

Parameters:path (str) – path to save, pointing to a file.

Attributes Summary


Methods Summary

copy(target) Copy the source file to the target using this protocol.
join_path(prefix, path) Policy to merge a prefix and a path in this protocol.
mkdirs() Make directories to the file path within this protocol.
split_path() Split the remote path in the server specifications and path in the server.
with_modifiers([modifiers]) Return an instance of this class after applying modifications.

Attributes Documentation

pid = 'xrootd'

Methods Documentation


Copy the source file to the target using this protocol. The target must be accessible.


CopyFileError – if a problem appears while copying the file.

static join_path(prefix, path)[source]

Policy to merge a prefix and a path in this protocol.

  • prefix (str) – prefix to add to the current path.
  • path (str) – path to the file in the remote.

result of joining the prefix and the path for this protocol.

Return type:



Make directories to the file path within this protocol.

Raises:MakeDirsError – if an error occurs while creating directories.

Split the remote path in the server specifications and path in the server.

Returns:server specifications and path in the server.
Return type:str, str

Return an instance of this class after applying modifications. The input dictionary “modifiers” might contain information about the user-name for the host in the stored path. The allowed keys for this dictionary are: - “xrootd_servers”: list containing the XRootD servers accessible from the place where the operation is being done. If the path stored in this class has a host that coincides with any of those here specified, it will return a hep_rfm.LocalPath instance.

Parameters:modifiers (dict) – information to modify the path of this class.
Returns:modified instance if a modification is applied. Otherwise same instance.
Return type:ProtocolPath