Functions and classes

Here you can find the documentation on the functions and classes of the hep_rfm package.


available_path(paths[, modifiers, …]) Return the first available path from a list of paths.
available_working_path(path[, modifiers, …]) If an accessible path can be resolved from “path”, it returns it.
copy_file(source, target[, wdir, loglock, …]) Main function to copy a file from a source to a target.
is_remote(path) Return whether the given protocol path belongs to a remote protocol or not.
process(*args) Create a subprocess object where the output from “stdout” and “stderr” is redirected to subprocess.PIPE.
protocol_path(path[, protocol]) Return a instantiated protocol using the given path and protocol ID.
register_protocol(name) Decorator to register a protocol with the given name.
remote_protocol(a, b) Determine the protocol to use given two paths to files.
rfm_hash(path) Use the SHA512 hash function to get the file ID of the file in the given path.


AbstractMethodError() Define an error for base classes with abstract methods.
CopyFileError(ipath, opath, stderr) Define an error to be raised when copying a file.
FileInfo Object to store the information about a file.
FileInfoBase Base class for an object storing the information about a file.
FileMarks Represent an object storing the time-stamp and file ID of a file.
FileMarksBase Base class representing an object storing the time-stamp and file ID of a file.
LocalPath(path) Represent a path to a local file.
MakeDirsError(target, stderr) Error to be displayed when failing making directories.
Manager() Represent a class to store tables in different local/remote hosts, being able to do updates among them.
ProcessError(msg, stderr) Define an error to be raised when a subprocess call fails.
ProtocolPath(path[, path_checker]) Base class to represent a protocol to manage a path to a file.
RemotePath(path[, path_checker]) Represent a remote path.
SSHPath(path) Represent a path to be handled using SSH.
Table([files, description, last_update, version]) Create a table storing the information about files.
XRootDPath(path) Represent a path to be handled using XROOTD protocol.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of hep_rfm.exceptions.AbstractMethodError, hep_rfm.exceptions.CopyFileError, hep_rfm.files.FileInfo, hep_rfm.files.FileInfoBase, hep_rfm.files.FileMarks, hep_rfm.files.FileMarksBase, hep_rfm.protocols.LocalPath, hep_rfm.exceptions.MakeDirsError, hep_rfm.tables.Manager, hep_rfm.exceptions.ProcessError, hep_rfm.protocols.ProtocolPath, hep_rfm.protocols.RemotePath, hep_rfm.protocols.SSHPath, hep_rfm.tables.Table, hep_rfm.protocols.XRootDPath