
hep_spt.corr_hist2d(matrix, titles, frmt='{:.2f}', vmin=None, vmax=None, cax=None)[source]

Plot a correlation matrix in the given axes.

  • matrix (numpy.ndarray) – correlation matrix.

  • titles (list(str)) – name of the variables being represented.

  • frmt (str) – format to display the correlation value in each bin. By default it is assumed that the values go between \([0, 1]\), so three significant figures are considered. If “frmt” is None, then no text is displayed in the bins.

  • vmin (float) – minimum value to represent in the histogram.

  • vmax (float) – maximum value to represent in the histogram.

  • cax (matplotlib.axes.Axes) – axes where to draw. If None, then the current axes are taken.