Functions and classes

Here you can find the documentation on the functions and classes of the hep_spt package.


adbin_hist(arr[, nbins, range, weights, …])

Create an adaptive binned histogram in N dimensions.

adbin_hist1d(arr[, nbins, range, weights, …])

Create an adaptive binned histogram in one dimension.

adbin_hist1d_edges(arr[, nbins, range, …])

Create adaptive binned edges to make a histogram from the given data.

adbin_hist2d_rectangles(bins, smp[, range, …])

Create a list of rectangles from a list of bins.


Get a list with the names of the available styles.


Get the length of the binary representation of the given value(s).

calc_poisson_fu(m[, cl])

Return the lower and upper frequentist uncertainties for a poisson distribution with mean “m”.

calc_poisson_llu(m[, cl])

Calculate poisson uncertainties based on the logarithm of likelihood.


Calculate the centers of a set of bins given their edges.

clopper_pearson_int(k, N[, cl])

Return the frequentist Clopper-Pearson interval of having “k” events in “N”.

clopper_pearson_unc(k, N[, cl])

Return the frequentist Clopper-Pearson uncertainties of having “k” events in “N”.

cls_hypo(func, *args, **kwargs)

Create an instance of CLsHypo given a probability density(mass) function, as an object of type scipy.stats.rv_discrete or scipy.stats.rv_continuous.

cls_ts(alt, null)

Create an instance of CLsTS from the alternative an null hypotheses.

corr_hist2d(matrix, titles[, frmt, vmin, …])

Plot a correlation matrix in the given axes.

errorbar_hist(arr[, bins, range, weights, …])

Calculate the values needed to create an error bar histogram.

gauss_unc(s[, cl])

Calculate the gaussian uncertainty for a given confidence level.

gcd(a, b, *args)

Calculate the greatest common divisor of a set of numbers.


Get the binary representation of the given value(s).


Determine whether the input number(s) is a power of 2 or not.

ks_2samp(a, b[, wa, wb])

Compute the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic on 2 samples.

lcm(a, b, *args)

Calculate the least common multiple of a set of numbers.


Modify the matplotlib format in this context.


Calculate the next number(s) greater than that(those) given and being a power(s) of 2.


Get the optimal figure division for a given number of axes, where all the axes have the same dimensions.


Retrieve the path to the directory containing the styles.


Return the poisson frequentist uncertainty at one standard deviation of confidence level.


Return the poisson uncertainty at one standard deviation of confidence level.

profile(x, y[, bins, range, weights, std_type])

Calculate the profile from a 2D data sample.

pull(vals, err, ref[, ref_err])

Get the pull with the associated errors for a given set of values and a reference.

residual(vals, err, ref[, ref_err])

Calculate the residual with its errors, for a set of values with respect to a reference.

rv_random_sample(func[, size])

Create a random sample from the given rv_frozen object.

samples_cycler(smps, *args, **kwargs)

Generate a cycler.Cycler object were the labels are defined by “smps”, and the other parameters are left to the user.


Set the style for matplotlib to one within this project.

stat_values(arr[, axis, weights])

Calculate mean and variance and standard deviations of the sample and the mean from the given array.

sw2_unc(arr[, bins, range, weights])

Calculate the errors using the sum of squares of weights.

text_in_rectangles(recs, txt[, cax])

Write text inside matplotlib.patches.Rectangle instances.

wald_int(k, N[, cl])

Calculate the symmetric Wald interval of having “k” elements in “N”.

wald_unc(k, N[, cl])

Calculate the symmetric Wald uncertainty of having “k” elements in “N”.

wald_weighted_int(k, N[, cl])

Calculate the symmetric Wald interval for a weighted sample, where “k” is the array of weights in the survival sample and “N” in the main sample.

wald_weighted_unc(k, N[, cl])

Calculate the symmetric Wald uncertainty for a weighted sample, where “k” is the array of weights in the survival sample and “N” in the main sample.

weights_by_edges(values, edges, weights)

Assign a weight to the values in an input array using a set of edges.

wilson_int(k, N[, cl])

Calculate the Wilson interval of having “k” elements in “N”.

wilson_unc(k, N[, cl])

Calculate the Wilson uncertainties of having “k” elements in “N”.


AdBin(arr[, range, weights])

Represent a n-dimensional adaptive bin.


Represent an hypothesis to be used in the CLs method.


Represent an hypothesis which works on a continuous domain.


Represent an hypothesis which works on a discrete domain.

CLsTS(alt, null)

Base class to represent the test-statistics function to work with the CLs method.

CLsTS_continuous(alt, null)

Base class to represent the test-statistics function to work with the CLs method using hypothesis working on a continuous domain.

CLsTS_discrete(alt, null)

Base class to represent the test-statistics function to work with the CLs method using hypothesis working on a discrete domain.

FlatDistTransform(points[, values, kind])

Build the class from a given set of values following a certain distribution (the use of weights is allowed), or x and y values of a PDF.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of hep_spt.adbin.AdBin, hep_spt.cls.CLsHypo, hep_spt.cls.CLsHypo_continuous, hep_spt.cls.CLsHypo_discrete, hep_spt.cls.CLsTS, hep_spt.cls.CLsTS_continuous, hep_spt.cls.CLsTS_discrete, hep_spt.stats.core.FlatDistTransform