
hep_spt.pull(vals, err, ref, ref_err=None)[source]

Get the pull with the associated errors for a given set of values and a reference. Considering, \(v\) as the experimental value and \(r\) as the rerference, the definition of this quantity is \((v - r)/\sigma\) in case symmetric errors are provided. In the case of asymmetric errors the definition is:

\[\text{pull} = \Biggl \lbrace { \frac{v - r}{\sigma_{low}} \text{ if } v - r \geq 0 \atop \frac{v - r}{\sigma_{up}} \text{ otherwise } }\]

In the latter case, the errors are computed in such a way that the closer to the reference is equal to 1 and the other is scaled accordingly, so if \(v - r > 0\), then \(\sigma^{pull}_{low} = 1\) and \(\sigma^{pull}_{up} = \sigma_{up}/\sigma_{low}\).

If uncertainties are also provided for the reference, then the definition is the same but considering the sum of squares rule:

\[(\sigma'^{v}_{low})^2 = (\sigma^{v}_{low})^2 + (\sigma^{r}_{up})^2\]
\[(\sigma'^{v}_{up})^2 = (\sigma^{v}_{up})^2 + (\sigma^{r}_{low})^2\]
  • vals (numpy.ndarray) – values to compare with.

  • err (numpy.ndarray) – array of errors. Both symmetric and asymmetric errors can be provided. In the latter case, they must be provided as a (2, n) array.

  • ref (numpy.ndarray) – reference to follow.

  • ref_err (numpy.ndarray) – possible errors for the reference.


Pull of the values with respect to the reference and associated errors. In case asymmetric errors have been provided, the returning array has shape (2, n).

Return type

numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray


TypeError – if any of the error arrays does not have shape (2, n) or (n,).

See also
