
Uncertainties in the Minkit package are computed using the Hessian matrix. A more accurate uncertainty can be obtained by minimizing a PDF for several fixed values of a parameter(s). In Minuit, this is done using MINOS. However, Minkit provides a dedicated function to evaluate asymmetric uncertainties. The result is identical to that of MINOS, as can be see in the following example:

%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import minkit
import numpy as np

from scipy.interpolate import make_interp_spline

m = minkit.Parameter('m', bounds=(10, 30))
c = minkit.Parameter('c', 20, bounds=(15, 25))
s = minkit.Parameter('s', 5, bounds=(3, 10))
g = minkit.Gaussian('g', m, c, s)

data = g.generate(200)

# Calculate the profile and the distance to the minimum
values = np.linspace(*s.bounds, 1000)

with minkit.minimizer('uml', g, data) as minimizer:

    r = minimizer.minimize()

    minimizer.minos('s') # minos must run before so the internal state of the minimum is set

    smn = s.copy()

    minimizer.minuit.print_level = 0 # reduce the verbosity of Minuit
    profile = minimizer.minimization_profile('s', values)

    skt = s.copy()

# Split in left and right parts
distances = profile - r.fcn

cond = (values < s.value)

left_values = values[cond]
left_distances = distances[cond]
right_values = values[~cond]
right_distances = distances[~cond]

# Calculate the position where the FCN varies one unit
left_int = make_interp_spline(left_distances[::-1], left_values[::-1])
right_int = make_interp_spline(right_distances, right_values)

lv, rv = left_int(1), right_int(1)

# Plot the results
fmin, fmax = 0.99 * profile.min(), profile.max()

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 4))
ax.plot(values, profile);
ax.plot([s.value], [r.fcn], marker='o', color='red');
ax.plot((lv, lv), (fmin, fmax), 'r-', )
ax.plot((rv, rv), (fmin, fmax), 'r-', )
ax.set_ylim(fmin, fmax);

# Show the result from the different methods
print(f'Value (profile): {s.value:.4f} + {rv - s.value:.4f} - {s.value - lv:.4f}')
print(f'Value (minkit):  {skt.value:.4f} + {skt.asym_errors[1]:.4f} - {skt.asym_errors[0]:.4f}')
print(f'Value (minos):   {smn.value:.4f} + {smn.asym_errors[1]:.4f} - {smn.asym_errors[0]:.4f}')

FCN = 1173.9229253724423 TOTAL NCALL = 73 NCALLS = 73
EDM = 2.1564957293602136e-06 GOAL EDM = 1e-05 UP = 1.0
Valid Valid Param Accurate Covar PosDef Made PosDef
True True True True False
Hesse Fail HasCov Above EDM Reach calllim
False True False False
+ Name Value Hesse Error Minos Error- Minos Error+ Limit- Limit+ Fixed?
0 c 19.9489 0.357295 15 25 No
1 s 6.21105 0.665073 3 10 No

Minos status for s: VALID
Error -0.583995385037981 0.7897048274133996
Valid True True
At Limit False False
Max FCN False False
New Min False False
Value (profile): 6.2110 + 0.7897 - 0.5840
Value (minkit):  6.2110 + 0.7897 - 0.5840
Value (minos):   6.2110 + 0.7897 - 0.5840

Note that we have run MINOS right after the minimization process. This must be done because MINOS needs the minimization state of MIGRAD before running. If we use the Minkit functions, new minimization processes will run, and the minimization state will not be reset. If using the Minuit API, it is therefore recommended to call its functions instead, and not to mix the two APIs.